My Dear Tabby, It's hard to feel rejected by one of the people i love the most. I'm having a hard time rationalizing it all to myself. Maybe he's tired, maybe he's distracted, maybe he just doesn't have any real interest. Maybe maybe maybe. Underneath all that is 'what the fuck is wrong with me ?' I know what you're going to say: Talk about it. Tell him how you're feeling, he loves you and he'll want to know and try to do something different. I have. I have said all the things. Multiple times. So fuck me, Fucked Not fucked ________________________________ Dear Fucked, You're right. I'm going to tell you to talk about it, but I'm going to tell you to talk bout it TO YOURSELF. You need to understand everything about how you feel about this situation. You need to know what you want and what you're willing to accept and what you're willing to release. Maybe he doesn'